I'm not a parent, but I still got so much out of reading this. Thank you!

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Julie, your posts make me think. A lot. I am 43 years old and simply cannot tolerate "extra" stimuli, like the noise of my kids playing (fighting, arguing, screaming) in the other room, large crowds of people. Let's add that when there's lots of noise AND people I am a wreck on the inside. Always have been.

I've been thinking, mostly due to your posts, if I am neurodivergent. I can't relate to the executive functioning issues my ND kids deal with (I am highly organized and orderly).

But I've always been a loner, kinda. Like, I was happy with one or two friends. I read books cover to cover in a day. I spent hours of time alone in my room, drawing or writing or listening to music.

I've always known I was different than most people, but I'm still unsure if my differences stem mostly from being a highly sensitive person (confirmed) or neurodivergent (unconfirmed). It's hard to know. And equally hard to live and raise 5 kids when I can barely handle being in a world that constantly overwhelms me.

Thank you for sharing what life is like for you and in raising a ND child. Always insightful.

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