This is so encouraging to read! Thank you. I resonated with so much. This is something I'm still coming to terms with - that perhaps I'm just never going to feel comfortable in certain environments because I'm different.

"All those years of self-doubt, of wondering why I couldn’t just be like everyone else, they were because I was trying to force myself into spaces and ways of being that weren’t made for me."

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Thanks Morgan! I feel the same way. With every Q&A there are things that jump out at me and make me nod in recognition.

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It's such a great project!

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Ang! I am so grateful for the depth of your shares. I needed to read something like this this morning, and your interview feels like a well-timed gift.

Has anything in particular helped you understand your auditory processing needs?

Also, have you watched any of Kristen Johnson's documentaries??! I love love love Cameraperson and Dick Johnson is Dead, and I'm kinda wondering if you might, too...

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Thank you so much for your kind words!

I only started understanding my auditory processing needs after I found out about my autism and learned about all the sensory issues that come with it. It made me think back to all the times I struggled with phone calls at past jobs because I couldn’t always understand what was being said. After some investigation, I realized that I can manage phone and video communication if I know the person very well and communicate with them regularly. But if I don’t interact with them often, it's way harder if not impossible.

Crazy how I couldn't make sense of that before.

As for Kristen Johnson’s documentaries, I haven’t even heard of her, but your recommendation has definitely piqued my interest! Yay for new things! I’m going to check out Cameraperson and Dick Johnson Is Dead and will let you know what I think in the very near future 😊

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Thank you so much Julie, this means a lot to me.

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Thanks for being honest and vulnerable enough to share your experience!

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Everything, everything in this interview resonates with me. It feels so good not to be the only one in all these ways. Thank you!

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