It means I get upset over some things easily (at least when I fail to take my medication), and I procrastinate about a lot of things for fear of getting negative backlash (because social media just lives on that...).

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I'm autistic and live with anxiety, so naturally I relate to this.

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Apr 16Liked by Julie M Green

I definitely identify with a lot of this…anxiety for me is a very young, scared child, and I’m constantly having to reassure her. In my body it feels like fireworks going off in my belly, lots of migraines, and sadness too. I’ve had a hard time enjoying this book publishing process, and right now I feel myself wanting to rush through the promotion (because it seems so big and scary!) Having a good therapist has helped. I’m learning to sit with the scared child as much as I can ❤️

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Julie, I chuckled with your cultural references to Randy Macho Man Savage. I, too, am in your generation.

I've noticed my anxiety amping up a lot more in situations where I'm happy, too. It makes me wonder why.

I do know that the body's sympathetic nervous system can be in overdrive constantly as a trauma response, or due to chronic oxidative stress (both of which I have). So I'm trying to determine ways I can help calm my nervous system, so that it aligns with what my prefrontal cortex thinks and needs and wants.

It's a long road.

By the way, looking forward to your book publication and can't wait to read it. Memoir is my favorite genre.

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